Wednesday, May 04, 2005

How 'Mayor' Agni Papageorgiou from Cyprus experienced EPA and Maastricht, 2004-2005

Hello EPA people!

It’s my tern to say some things since we are coming to some kind of an end. I basically have only one thing to say and that is that this year has been simply amazing. I came here telling myself that this is only a few months and no matter how bad it is, it’s going to finish soon. Maastricht at the beginning seemed to be too small (especially for me that I’m coming from a huge city of 250.000 people!!). Now, eight months later, I find myself wishing that this wouldn’t have to end; Maastricht has proven to be big enough to fit 27 beautiful people and 1 amazing mayor!! After all I do enjoy group work, and this has been an exceptionally good group!! In a few words, you people are the kind of people I would love to have in my life; people that with their presence just make you fill more confident, more strong.. so I just want to say it’s been an honor to meet you all.

I hope that you will find people and friends in your lives that will give you the joy that you all have given me during these months.

Enjoy your internships, hope to meet you all again in graduation to get wasted together!!

“ Before the end, silence feels like a great love” says a beautiful Greek song. We just love each other anyway… No?

Filia (kisses)
Agni Posted by Hello


At Wednesday, 04 May, 2005, Blogger Val said...

Vote for Agni!!! :)


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