Tuesday, July 19, 2005

EPA Profiles website... (some ideas)

Dear all,

Me again. Not that I don't have lots of work to do in my office. It's just I miss you too much and I wanted to write again. Here is a simple idea we had with Jens and the others yesterday over a dinner at my place - we thought that it would be great if we could set up a webpage (very simple and light) with our all profiles on it and link it to our blog page, to UniMaas EPA official webpage, EIPA webpage (if they want) or to anything you want it to be linked :) It's a sort of self-promoting thing were anyone could find a small, but professional picture of each of us, with our names, and a short description of areas of expertise/interest. To our names we could link our longer profile or a CV if you may wish. In this way, people, employers, potential EPA candidates, other EPA alumna, could see at a glance who we all are and what we all can do. I volunteer to design, format, and link this webpage, and all I need from you is your enthusiastic and creative input (or 1 picture, 1 CV/profile, and a short description of areas of interest/expertise).

Please let me know if you think this idea is good/bad and let's do it! Really...

I also promised that I will send you all (if you want of course) the CD with the 2 presentations we had during the graduation ceremony. Susan and Carlota, have kindly lent me their CDs with presentations and I will burn a CD with both of these presentation for each one of you if you want. It will take some time (due to current technical difficulties) but I will send it to you. I need from you a reply by EMAIL (vpopovici at gmal dot com) with the address you want me to mail the CD to you.

I know this is an extensive email, therefore let's recap what I need from you:
1. For the EPA2005 Profiles page, if you want to be listed on the website you need to send me:
- your picture (serious/professional)
- your CV
- short (1 sentence) description of your areas of expertise/professional interests
- later on (when all of us are working :))) we'll post also the organization/company/ngo you are working in.

2. For the Presentation CDs:
- email me directly to my gmail email with
- your mailing address that you wish the CD to be sent to

That's all folks. Wish you a hot (not too), sunny (very), and pleasant (very) summer.

Big hugs,



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