Monday, July 18, 2005

Post EPA meetings

Hello everyone!
How is the first post EPA summer going? I am in Madrid at the moment, suffering a terrible heat and therefore going out at night mainly.. uf.. what an awful eford! heheheh Lorna left Madrid last satruday and we enjoyed a great time together, especially in Sanfermines..where she didn't have to avoid bulls but many drunk spanish boys calling her "rubia" constantly ("blond girl")!!! also very hard to handle. I promise pictures of us in white and red soon. Lorcan, I don't know why but we thought about you quite often there! ;) Next week I am going to portugal, just before receiving my dearest Cypriot and meeting Kathrine in the little Island a bit later. I don't want to make you all jelous, I just want to share with you the great feeling of meeting some of you during the summer and the wish and hope of seing you all soon. Take a lot of care and have fun, that is very important as well. I will inform you about my future soon, cos as some of you already know I will maybe move to Milan for a quite good job offer. I hope you are all getting what you wanted or at least having a crazy summer!
ciao my favourite international people!


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