Monday, May 08, 2006

Ph.D. grants at ULB - European Studies

The Institute for European Studies of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) invites application for 4 Ph.D. grants in political sciences or contemporary history on the topic "Resisting to Europe".

The grants (1150 euros per month) are offered for a 4-year period, and must lead to the completion of a Ph. D. Applicants must have a fluent knowledge of both English and French and be ready to reside in Brussels on a permanent basis for the whole duration of the contract.

Further information on the project, coordinated by prof. J.-M. De Waele, J. Lacroix, P. Lagrou et P. Magnette, is available here.

Applications(CV and a 1000-words research project) must be sent simultaneously to: et before 25 June 2006. A first selection will be made in July and selected applicants will be invited to an audition at the end of August, early
September. Contracts can take course as of 01 October 2006.


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