Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A little help from my friends

Holas chicos/as!!
First, happy new year!
Second, I need some help (work-related) from you, my dear european experts!
There is a grup of researches here in Lombardy (in the field of spinal cord research) that are trying to create the European Spinal Cord Research Institute (ESCRI). They have become a limited company and have contacts already with reasearches from Spain, Germany and Lithuania. They also have the support of an european center in Rome (can't remember what for) and the collaboration of a nobel prize in medicine. Of course, they want some financing from the EU, but the idea doesn't fit in the FP6 or the coming FP7 (Framework Programmes for research). Does any of you have an idea of what procedure can they follow to get it, or to have some contacts in brussels? I am loooking to all the ERA initiatives but I have no clue of how can the European dimension be recognised and so on.. Maybe someone know who can I contact in Brussels to ask at least...
Thank you!!
and have a lot of fun in Antwerp! I will be green of envy!


At Wednesday, 11 January, 2006, Blogger Val said...

I think they should've organized as a non-profit organization, i.e. a sort of professional society. I believe it would help them open some doors in Brussels easier. Email me more details on this and I'll get back to you with some results (I hope).

At Wednesday, 11 January, 2006, Blogger Carlota said...

ummm.. I see your point Val.. create our own NGO on spinal cord and hire ourselfs!!!! heheh..
Thanks a lot guys for the suggestions, I will keep you informed!


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