Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Football and China........

I didn’t tell you that all Macedonian students who studied in the Netherlands with Dutch funds formed Macedonian-Dutch-Alumni Association. The organization is pretty new and our first event was support for the Dutch national team for the Cup 2006 in one cafe in Skopje. This was supported by the Dutch Embassy in Macedonia and we made special t-shirts for the event. Almost all Dutch people who live in Skopje were there :)
However Sunday night was the end of it, we were very disappointed :(
Thanks to Val I made blog for the Alumni, and you can see some photos on the following link:

And, China was great, very beautiful, and very modern and clean, with tradition and spirit!! People are very hospital and nice, but to barging for every thing that you want to buy is very exhausting :) I saw Chen and his wife in Beijing, they are doing fine, Chen has lost weight, he said because of hot weather – it was 32-34 degrees than. Who is interested I will send him my photo album on-line!!

In Skopje is also around 35 degrees and going up and I am surviving in my air conditioned office!!!!

Have great time for the weeding guys!!!!



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