Friday, October 07, 2005

Strange meeting

Hi everybody!
I just wanted to shared with you my interesting meeting today with Christine Leitner!!!
Yes, world is smal.. (and I forget most of the time that I actually work for Cefass, meaning somehow for EIPA!). She came to give short lecture on e-Governance to DGs from the Region. The f****ing b*** also speaks some italian!!! (but she spoke in english). Of course she hardly remember me but she managed to pretend a bit.. hehhe... I was about to say that I was a very close friend of Mariska (which is true) but I decided to be diplomatic...
She was kind of nice... and remarked once again was extraordinary was our group... but, wat's the problem with her hair? ehhehe, just a femenine comment.
I hope they will send me to Maastrciht too some day!

It is a pitty Alison couldn't come this time, but maybe soon.
Any one coming to Milano?
Big kiss to all.


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